Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oatmeal Cookies

Priyanka Kanth
u there?

Alex Penson
what's up?

Priyanka Kanth
can u give me ur oatmeal cookie recipe

Alex Penson
i should put it on toyo's blog

Priyanka Kanth
toyo has a blog?
but can u tell me now?!

Alex Penson
more flour than oats
(but you can also make em oaty)
cocoa powder
a surprisingly small amount compared to the flour (say a tenth)
goes a long way

Priyanka Kanth

Alex Penson
but if you want em black
then more like 1/3 as much cocoa as flour
add sugar in proportion to the cocoa cos it's bitter
even if you don't add cocoa still put in a fair amount
seems like you can't really over do it

Priyanka Kanth

Alex Penson
then raisins

Priyanka Kanth

Alex Penson
nuts and stuff are good if you've got em

Priyanka Kanth
no butter? milk? eggs?

Alex Penson
i guess you can figure that stuff out

Priyanka Kanth
how do u make it gooeu?

Alex Penson
vegtable oil

Priyanka Kanth
aaahhh that's what
cos u need something to make it goooeey

Alex Penson
just any old oil

Priyanka Kanth
are u also vegan

Alex Penson
but i've always done it like that
not sure why
they always turn out brittle
and i think that would be improved by butter and eggs

Priyanka Kanth
i think so too

Alex Penson
kerstin and gwen make vegan cookies that are not brittle
positively gooey in fact

Priyanka Kanth
maybe they add milk..

Alex Penson
but i've never been able to figure it out
might do
really important it baking powder
'levure chimique'
packets at coop are 15g
and orange
(yeast is blue)

Priyanka Kanth
to make oatmeal cookies?

Alex Penson
you need raising agent
i forgot it once and they were pretty hard
still alright though
and not so brittle!

Priyanka Kanth
for the cookies? did u put it that day when we were at urs?

Alex Penson
you might also want to add a little water as well
they can be too greasy if you use only oil
i usually also add cinnamon and chilli

Priyanka Kanth
oohh cinnamon

Alex Penson
kerstin's definitely added coconut before
that was pretty good
chocolate chips always popular
you want to add enough liquid that it goes sloppy but not runny
then when you spoon it out allow space for the blobs to double in size
then oven at 140-150 C
they should take 20-30 mins
depends how thick they are and stuff
let me know how it goes :D

Priyanka Kanth
omg yeah, coconut would be awesome!

Alex Penson
alright if i put this whole conversation on the blog?

Priyanka Kanth
sure :)

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