Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Once again, I didn't take a photo. It looked pretty much like this though, but with more delicious red ooze.

It's like making a standard pizza except:
- bit more dough / less topping
- less forgiving if the dough's too dry
- more difficult to tell if it's done, you only have the brownness of the dough to go on.
- surprisingly good without cheese (although probably still nicer with!)

- mix yeast (7g packet from co-op) in small mug of warm water
- put 3 or 4 handfuls of four in a big bowl, keep the packet handy
- adding salt is good, fennel and chilli if you're feeling fancy
- add the water to the flour
- adding some oil's also good but not more than, say, a quarter as much as the water
- get one hand in there, because you'll presumably need to...
- add some more flour or water
- you can use the second hand once the dough's not too sticky
- if it's at all flaky add more water although this can be a pain, you're going to have to roll it and fold it
- make a nice ball and leave it to rise while you cut veg etc.

- spread flour on the worktop/table
- roll the base out thin, hopefully it will fold over easily
- put it on the baking tray before you...
- dump on the topping and fold
- wet the dough where top and bottom meet so they stick

When I did it, there was enough dough to roll over at the edges, like in the picture. These bits became kinda chewy and nice, not like non-foldy pizzas. I imagine they could easily become rock-hard though.

Things I screwed up:
- I put too much salt into the dough, I thought I'd try more than usual but then shook a bit too hard
- I rolled it, filled it and closed it right on the worktop. Then it nearly exploded trying to get it onto the baking tray
- I forgot to put cheese in, this actually worked out fine.

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