Friday, November 11, 2011

tofu sunshine spread

I started off thinking to make a tofu egg-salad sandwich type of thing, but what I ended up creating was nothing like egg-salad! Probably for the best, as why do I want it to taste like eggs anyway? Eggs are disgusting!


1 block of tofu
1/4-1/2 C tahini or raw cashews
fresh parsley, chopped
1-2 T dijon mustard
1-2 T olive oil
1-2 T fresh lemon juice
1-2 grated carrots
1-2 celery stalks, grated
1/4-1/2 C of sunflower seeds (optional)
1-2 tsp curry powder (optional)
1/2 tsp tumeric (optional)
salt & pepper
(optional: minced garlic, diced onion, chives, whatever you like in your tofu spread!)


If you want to add cashews, soak them in warm water first, and then blend them in your food processor; otherwise add tahini to your food processor. Add also the fresh parsley, dijon mustard, olive oil, and lemon juice.

Then add the tofu and blend it all together. (Alternatively, you could also just crumble the tofu by hand, if you want a more chunky egg-salad like texture.)

Throw in the grated carrot, chopped celery, sunflower seeds, etc. And season with salt and pepper. You can also add curry powder for a curried tofu spread, and tumeric if you want to brighten your spread.

Serve with bread, carrot or celery sticks, etc. It seems to stay fresh for a few days in the fridge.

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