Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Once again, I didn't take a photo. It looked pretty much like this though, but with more delicious red ooze.

It's like making a standard pizza except:
- bit more dough / less topping
- less forgiving if the dough's too dry
- more difficult to tell if it's done, you only have the brownness of the dough to go on.
- surprisingly good without cheese (although probably still nicer with!)

- mix yeast (7g packet from co-op) in small mug of warm water
- put 3 or 4 handfuls of four in a big bowl, keep the packet handy
- adding salt is good, fennel and chilli if you're feeling fancy
- add the water to the flour
- adding some oil's also good but not more than, say, a quarter as much as the water
- get one hand in there, because you'll presumably need to...
- add some more flour or water
- you can use the second hand once the dough's not too sticky
- if it's at all flaky add more water although this can be a pain, you're going to have to roll it and fold it
- make a nice ball and leave it to rise while you cut veg etc.

- spread flour on the worktop/table
- roll the base out thin, hopefully it will fold over easily
- put it on the baking tray before you...
- dump on the topping and fold
- wet the dough where top and bottom meet so they stick

When I did it, there was enough dough to roll over at the edges, like in the picture. These bits became kinda chewy and nice, not like non-foldy pizzas. I imagine they could easily become rock-hard though.

Things I screwed up:
- I put too much salt into the dough, I thought I'd try more than usual but then shook a bit too hard
- I rolled it, filled it and closed it right on the worktop. Then it nearly exploded trying to get it onto the baking tray
- I forgot to put cheese in, this actually worked out fine.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

who doesn't love pancakes?

this recipe comes also comes from "vegan brunch". basic, but "perfect pancakes"! they're great with banana slices mixed in the batter.
  • 1 1/4 C flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 T vegetable oil
  • 1/3 C water
  • 1 C rice milk, soy milk, or other milk
  • 2 T maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • banana slices, berries, chocolate chips, etc (optional)
preheat a large skillet over medium heat with some vegetable oil.

in a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. add the remaining ingredients and mix until just combined. (don't overmix, lumps are fine.)

pour pancakes into the hot pan one at a time, flipping over once bubbles form and bottom is cooked.