Tuesday, October 12, 2010

pasta with fried eggplant and tomato-almond-basil pesto

some friends came over for a quick bite before hitting the movies, so i put together an easy pasta dish. we agreed it was a hit and that we should've taken a photo for the blog, but alas, we ate it all before we had the chance! the recipe is based on this one.
  • eggplant, sliced and salted
  • fresh tomatoes, chopped into chunks
  • almonds
  • fresh basil
  • garlic
  • olive oil
  • hot chili flakes
  • salt
  • pasta, whatever shape you want and cooked to specification
fry the eggplant slices in olive oil. meanwhile, whiz together the olive oil, garlic, almond, and tomatoes in a food processor. add hot chili flakes and salt to taste. i'm not specifying exactly how much of each ingredient, as you may like it with varying amounts of tomato, almonds, basil, garlic, etc.

toss the fried eggplant and pesto with the pasta, and you're done!

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